the CentOS Atomic Host repo is now getting nightly updates. These are done automatically, and pushed to the repo location on buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/atomic/x86_64/repo
In order to apply the updates, login to your atomic host and run : sudo rpm-ostree upgrade
You can also see the Atomic history and rollback options via: sudo atomic status
In order to compare available rollback options, you can use the 'atomic rpm diff' and 'atomic rpm list' commands.
Finally, you can rollback the changes using this atomic command; details on the process are mentioned in the man page available via 'man atomic' on the machine instance.
------- The repo is updated with all devel components going into the Atomic host, including docker, cockpit, flannel, kubernetes and rpm-ostree itself. Additionally, all CentOS Linux 7 updates are included as well.
Highlights from todays update include: cockpit 0.27 docker 1.4 kubernetes 0.7.0 ostree 2014.13 kernel 3.10.0-123.13.2.el7
and added to the collect is : flannel 0.1.0
-------- Getting Started with CentOS Atomic Host is easy, the image is shipped as a qcow2.xz file ( 270MB in size ) and can be downloaded from http://buildlogs.centos.org/rolling/7/isos/x86_64/CentOS-7-x86_64-AtomicHost...
this image includes cloud-init, and therefore expects cloud metadata to be available when the instance is booted up. You can find details on howto setup an iso file with this informat at : http://www.projectatomic.io/blog/2014/10/getting-started-with-cloud-init/