On 05/06/2011 05:41 AM, Thomas Bendler wrote:
2011/5/6 R P Herrold <herrold@owlriver.com mailto:herrold@owlriver.com>
[...] Procedural: They (hughesjr and singh) said their piece, and they shut up, unlike many here who need entertainment of trolling or badgering endlessly -- This is: talkers vs. doers all over again. Eventually the 'doers' ignore the 'talkers' and return to their work [...]
Great statement, God has spoken, now everyone from the crowd has to be happy that God spoke to him and he should definitely shut up from this point. Please crowd, don't respond to a mail that God send, there shouldn't be any kind of discussion after that mail because God is right, every time without any exception. You've made my day ...
We are doing what we are doing
We are not changing mid stream.
I don't care if you like it or not.
Millions of users have built scripts that depend on certain rules, like our use of dist tags, to remain constant.
A couple of comments on a mailing list, because someone has a good idea, does not mean that we need to change things that cause these people to rewire their scripts. It is just not going to happen mid stream.
Now, if you (or anyone else here) doesn't like it ... well, it is not changing mid stream.
What we CAN discuss is the possibility that in the NEWER distributions, we maybe do it differently (ie, C6).