On 01/28/2014 09:46 PM, Clint Savage wrote:
With these goals in mind, we'd like to formally request an Interoperability Special Interest Group within the CentOS community. Please let us know how to further proceed.
Couple of comments here, consider the in abstract:
1) everything you mentioned here, we already do and will only increase scope of
2) with the actual instance metadata in the public ( and on github! ) - there is very little cross-checking needed, since the result of the scripts is what gets published anyway ( and git log will history for anyone who cares ).
3) given the intention and direction for some of the points, duplicating effort also means diluting the single tooling effort - then at that point why would you not want to just contribute ( as people, not as projects ) into the common pool anyway ? ( ie. whats the justification for Goose to exist ? )
finally, not sure what makes this into a SIG, the content being addressed would be all in the public on git repos, so anyone can come along and 'help get better'.
- KB