On Monday, October 08, 2012 11:35:06 AM Lamar Owen wrote:
On Monday, October 08, 2012 09:28:29 AM Lamar Owen wrote:
And the 5.7 new/changed packages that are relevant to ia64 are built, sans three: kudzu, NetworkManager, and mod_nss. I'm going to look into those three failures, but in the meantime I'll put the builder to work getting the 5.8 changed/new packages built.
And NetworkManager and kudzu handbuild fine. Kudzu does not; I need to rebuild pciutils to not include zlib-devel, and am doing that now....
And so, my test box (an SGI Altix 3200, 2CPU) is now at:
CentOS release 5.7 (Final) Kernel 2.6.18-274.el5 on an ia64
I'm getting closer.... the 5.8 build is at:
[lowen@winterstar ~]$ buildstatus58 No IA64 target: 0 No Package Found: 0 Scratch total: 1 Built binaries: 160 Built SRPMS: 29 [lowen@winterstar ~]$
Out of:
[lowen@winterstar ~]$ wc -l ~/c58-to-build.txt 246 /home/lowen/c58-to-build.txt [lowen@winterstar ~]$
246 source packages.