Is there still going to be a meeting on irc this week? I'm GMT -5 but pretty flexible with times.
Tim On May 4, 2014 5:19 PM, "Omar Eljumaily" wrote:
Thanks Filippo. I'm in GMT-8, Pacific Time. I get up early, though, so I could do it as early as say GMT 13:00.
I think we're fairly close on the issues that we're trying to confront. There may be some differences in how they're packaged and exposed.
I'm going to put together a specific set of RPMs + goals of how I think it should be carried out. Maybe other people can think about that as well. I'll try to integrate it as much as possible with your existing proposal.
On 5/3/2014 3:03 AM, Filippo Carletti wrote:
Omar, I basically agree with you.
The SIG idea started with Small Business but evolved in Simplified Linux Server (SLS).
I'll try to add something to the picture.
- Home security
- Home automation
Change "Home" with "Office", you'll use the same tools because you have the same targets.
- Entertainment
- Backup
- Cloudsync
Previous 3 points are also needed in the office (in my office we listen to music while working and used to share it sometimes (now there's spotify). :-)
The idea behind NethServer is that of an highly modular system, easily adaptable to different usage scenarios. You will only install the mail server if you need it (or want to play with email, out of curiosity). Adding a new feature is easy and fast: a click on a web page. Building new features is also easy for the developer.
Being modular permits to create a vertical system highly tightened to the needs of the user.
I hope to have an SLS SIG meeting on IRC next week, hope you could join us. Where timezone do you live in? We're spread across GMT-6 and GMT+2.
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