On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 06:28:34PM +0100, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
On 28/03/14 13:31, Karanbir Singh wrote:
There is quite a lot of stuff going on and not all of it is easily visible to everyone. The way to perhaps address that is to setup a project calendar that people can sync against and look at regularly. And more win if we can have it slightly open ended, allowing people / projects / sig's to contribute events into that cal.
To that extent Stephen Smoogen introduced me to Pierre-Yves Chibon who runs the fedocal effort, and they have graciously agreed to set something up for CentOS as well. Stephen I know is on this list already, I've requested Pierre to join ( he might have done so already ).
Firstly looking for comments on the idea / plan - and then for options on implemention, publishing and consumption of the calendar.
I really like the idea of having one place to look at and concatenating multiple calendars at once (and that gives the possibility to respective groups/SIGs to master their own calendars too). I didn't know Fedocal and had a quick look at the doc. I like the fact that iCal is supported, but only in read-only mode, so one has to use the WebUI to add event to the calendar(s) (or upload a ics).
My understanding is that iCal is always read-only. To get read/write you have to move to caldav which is a complete other level of complexicity/breakability.
Once question though, does the CentOS infrastructure has an account system? Currently Fedocal relies on FedOAuth which provides OpenID (and persona) and combined with the openid-teams extension fedocal is able to manage authorization. FedOAuth [1] might be something interesting for CentOS, otherwise we can of courss look at adapting fedocal to the current CentOS infrastructure.
[1] https://github.com/FedOAuth/FedOAuth
Best regards, Pierre