On 28/07/16 15:53, Matthias Runge wrote:
to make further progress, we should schedule weekly meetings for the newly founded and approved SIG Opstools
The link to the poll is here:
If you're interested in opstools and would like to participate, your feedback is appreciated! Even if you can't make it and we need to change the poll/add times.
After a week, it looks like the slot Monday/Wednesday at 6pm UTC is the one with most folks being able to attend.
Unfortunately, I don't see any CentOS folks, in the poll, and I got the feedback, that it should be earlier the on the day.
Would it suit you, if we do the meeting an hour earlier?
My favorite would be Wednesday @6 PM utc, but I can make it work at 5 PM (UTC) as well.
Otherwise I'd be happy to proxy questions etc. to the right persons/circuits.
Best, Matthias