2011/12/28 夜神 岩男 supergiantpotato@yahoo.co.jp
On 12/29/2011 02:09 PM, lowlux wrote:
I am also interested in doing this...
On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:21 PM, Larry Brigman <larry.brigman@gmail.com mailto:larry.brigman@gmail.com> wrote:
I see the small ISO images but I would like to build something custom but not a live image. What tools do you use to create these images? Is there some documentation on building a custom iso spin? I would also like to be able to drive the tools.
I was just about to ask this exact same question. I use livecd-creator and some ks files to create livecds, and that's nice, but I have a need now to create a more complete network-boot installer which includes a lot of changes/different packages.
And I completely don't remember how to do it anymore. There is a utility for this, and its not livecd-creator (or the gui revisor thing, either) grrrr...
I agree with Scott that it sounds like pxe booting (you could also use the netboot iso/usb disk if you prefer) and kickstart sounds like it'll meet your needs. If you really want to create a custom installer, that's a bit more difficult, but you're probably thinking of the Fedora tools like Revisor.