The following packages are listed in CentOS 5.2 comps.xml but cannot be found in CentOS 5.2 i386 release Base repo:
ckermit clustermon compat-gcc-295 compat-gcc-296 compat-gcc-32 compat-gcc-32-g77 compat-gcc-c++-32 compat-libgcc-295 compat-libstdc++-295 compat-libstdc++-32 conga-devel ddd elilo elsa fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi gfs gnopernicus httpd-suexec inkscape iprutils java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-plugin kdepim-devel kernel-kdump kmod-gfs-kdump kmod-gnbd-kdump lha libica libipathverbs libpng10-devel libungif-devel longrun mcelog netconfig notify-daemon open openoffice.org-langpack-ur_IN openssl-ibmca perl-Cyrus ppc64-utils prctl pup rhel-instnum rhn-check rhn-setup rhn-setup-gnome ricci-modcluster s390utils salinfo strace64 sysfsutils-devel system-config-printer-gui totem-mozplugins valgrind-callgrind yaboot yum-rhn-plugin
The following packages are listed in CentOS 5.2 comps.xml but cannot be found in CentOS 5.2 x86_64 release Base repo:
apmd ckermit clustermon compat-gcc-295 compat-gcc-296 compat-gcc-32 compat-gcc-32-g77 compat-gcc-c++-32 compat-libgcc-295 compat-libstdc++-295 compat-libstdc++-32 conga-devel ddd elilo elsa fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi gfs gnopernicus gnu-efi gpart httpd-suexec ibmasm inkscape iprutils java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-plugin kernel-kdump kmod-gfs-kdump kmod-gnbd-kdump lha libica libpng10-devel libungif-devel longrun netconfig notify-daemon open openoffice.org-langpack-ur_IN openssl-ibmca perl-Cyrus ppc64-utils prctl pup rhel-instnum rhn-check rhn-setup rhn-setup-gnome ricci-modcluster s390utils salinfo strace64 sysfsutils-devel system-config-printer-gui totem-mozplugins valgrind-callgrind yaboot yum-rhn-plugin
In addition, an `eclipse' group is listed in category `apps', a `workstation' group is listed in category `base-system', but these two groups are not defined in comps.xml.
I know that some packages only exist in one arch, e.g. apmd, s390utils, etc, but what about the others? Do we really need to keep them in the comps.xml file?
Best regards, Hao