From: Hristo Benev
I'm trying to compile and create CentOS rpm for KompoZer
It is a unofficial bug fix for nvu.
Is there a rules to have this package contributed to CentOS?
Any tutorials or similar?
Should package be build on specific machine?
Signet by specific key?
It's simpler than you think :-)
Please read
Also, for the package to be accepted you would have to make a commitment to maintain the spec files. I'm talking with Karanbir (one of the lead CentOS developers) to define exactly what that is (what frequency, for how long in the future, etc), and when I have it, I will post it to this list and also on the URL above.
Best Regards,
Durval Menezes wrote:
It's simpler than you think :-)
Please read
That should go on the wiki. Want to add it there yourself (see
Please read
That should go on the wiki. Want to add it there yourself (see
I've not posted to the Wiki in the past because of the rather restrictive & complicated policy on posting (submitting an 11th Commandment to the famous stone tablets would probably be less work than that, but then God didn't have to deal with Spammers :-)).
You are correct, the right place for this is in the Wiki, so I'm going thru the hoops to get the necessary permission right now.
Thanks for your comment, I guess I just needed some motivation to go ahead and do it.
Best Regards,