Is it possible to run a Centos 6.5's kernel on a Centos 5.10 installation? I have compiled a new kernel from kernel-2.6.32-431.17.1.el6.src.rpm. The kernel does not even boot on my Centos 5.10 box. Vanilla kernels from work well. Is this about Red Hat kernel patches?
Cheers, Mark
On 2014-05-11, Mark Fisher wrote:
Is it possible to run a Centos 6.5's kernel on a Centos 5.10 installation?
If you are looking to run a more recent kernel on CentOS 5, check out elrepo. You can run either the long term support kernel or the mainline (stable) kernel. Here's a link to the long term kernel (which has a link to the mainline kernel):
(Actually, you can only get the lt kernel for CentOS 5, but that's still 3.2 as opposed to 2.6.)
I think it makes more sense to do this than to try to force a CentOS 6 kernel into CentOS 5.
Em 11-05-2014 01:08, Mark Fisher escreveu:
Is it possible to run a Centos 6.5's kernel on a Centos 5.10 installation? I have compiled a new kernel from kernel-2.6.32-431.17.1.el6.src.rpm. The kernel does not even boot on my Centos 5.10 box. Vanilla kernels from work well. Is this about Red Hat kernel patches?
This is completely unexpected and untested, you're lucky that it even built. I agree with Keith, better using something from a LTS tree then.
Cheers, Mark
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