As per the process described at I would like to propose a Documentation SIG.
The SIG page - - has listed a Documentation SIG for some time, but the link went nowhere. Now I propose that we formalize it.
The Documentation SIG is responsible for the content of the Wiki, and other public sources of documentation. This includes, but is not limited to:
* Determining, and imposing, a hierarchy/architecture of content in the wiki * Editing/pruning existing content when it is incorrect/outdated/obsolete * Recruiting subject matter experts to do some of that editing * Recruiting translators to keep our various translations in sync
The Doc SIG uses the mailing list as their primary channel of communication, but also raises issues to centos-devel for clarification of specific details in the docs.
The following individuals have indicated interest in being the initial membership of this SIG.
Rich Bowen Thibaut Perrin Manuel Wolfshant Jonathan Billings Pany Earl Ramirez John R. Dennison
You will note that, initially, the SIG is focused on the Wiki - work which is already ongoing by this group and many others.
An actual SIG gives structure to this effort, authority to make larger decisions about the documentation effort, a place/time to meet regularly to encourage others to participate, and gives the effort more visibility within the community.
We ask that the board acknowledge this request and let us know what the next steps are.