Hi All,
Can it be possible to install Centos without installing the Netfilter.
Thanks Clove
On 26.11.2013 17:47, Robert Clove wrote:
Hi All,
Can it be possible to install Centos without installing the Netfilter.
Not really, IPTables is a very basic dependency. You could try to force remove it (rpm -e --nodeps), but you may break your system. Definitely not recommended.
A simple:
/sbin/chkconfig iptables off
Would be the right equivalent without breaking anything.
On Nov 26, 2013, at 1:17 PM, Nux! nux@li.nux.ro wrote:
I was searching around but was not able to find out. We all know that packet traverses through the Net Filter hooks but how to practically realize that. Please guide
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 11:47 PM, Nux! nux@li.nux.ro wrote:
On 2 December 2013 17:00, Robert Clove cloverobert@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Robert,
You are actually using the wrong mailing list for your query. This list, "CentOS-devel", is for the development of the CentOS Project.
Please repost to the "CentOS" general mailing list [1], where you will then receive appropriate responses.
On Mon, 2 Dec 2013, Alan Bartlett wrote:
Robert won't receive the responses he wants (even on the correct list) unless he asks clearer questions. Robert, when you post to the centos list, tell people what you are trying to do, why you are trying to do it, what you have tried already, and what results you have had.
I was searching around but was not able to find out.
We don't know what you were not able to find out.
We all know that packet traverses through the Net Filter hooks but how to practically realize that.
I have no idea what you mean, or what you are asking.
On 02.12.2013 17:00, Robert Clove wrote:
In this case I believe you want a custom kernel without netfilter support. Worth reading: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Custom_Kernel