Hi everyone,
For those who are not aware, the next CentOS Connect will be held in conjunction with Fedora Flock which is being held August 2-4[0] in Cork, IE. While the CFP is closed, there is still time to register[1] to attend and the Schedule[2] is really coming together with a wide range of topics not just during Connect but the tracks as well.
0 - https://flocktofedora.org 1 - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/flock-2023-tickets-671047008667 2 - https://flock2023.sched.com/
*Amy Marrich*
Principal Technical Marketing Manager - Cloud Platforms
Red Hat, Inc https://www.redhat.com/
Mobile: 954-818-0514
Slack: amarrich
IRC: spotz https://www.redhat.com/