Hi All, We are building most of the dockerfiles from centos-dockerfiles[1] in CentOS Community Container Pipeline[2]. These are built and pushed to registry.centos.org[3].
If there is any update to the source git repo of dockerfile, container gets updated with rebuilt and pushed to registry.
Now we are having all the dockerfiles for centos-dockerfiles under same repo[1]. So if there is any change to any of these dockerfiles, all the images gets rebuilt. Which is not required and making the pipeline to get busy for a while.
To solve this can we take following routes. 1. Make a single dockerfile to stay in one repo. 2. Make jenkins able to track the exact dockerfile changed. This is not efficient as we need to make sure image is rebuilt when there is change in source codes other than the dockerfile.
Could you please share your thoughts on this?
Regards Bama Charan Kundu
[1] https://github.com/CentOS/CentOS-Dockerfiles [2] https://github.com/CentOS/container-pipeline-service [3] https://wiki.centos.org/ContainerPipeline#head-e288f824ff379a2a14b5ce09c32b9...