Leonardo Vilela Pinheiro wrote:
Maybe this thread should go to centos-devel list.
sure, and moved!
Can you give us more details on what packages need JDK, and which JDK? I'd like to understand what is going on, which packages are not ported to Centosplus yet and why.
There are bits of jboss and mod_jk stuff form rhwas4as that need the java stuff.
Do we have to build (compile) JDK?
if you want to, but considering its unlikely we will get the sources for 1.5.x jdk, I'd say we might need the route of nosrc.rpm instead :)
Can't we use JPackage.org's and give users instructions on how to install and enable their repository?
Maybe thats possible ( I know at least the mysql-jdbc package has its origins in jpp ) , would you like to take this effort on ?
Jim and HughesJr have been looking at the rhwas stuff, if you are interested in taking this up, maybe we can start a wiki page with details.
- KB