Hi Ricardo, I'm so sorry in the delay of replying. I do appreciate the offer to be on the committee. What position(s) were you thinking of filling?
On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 8:05 AM, Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira < rmartine@redhat.com> wrote:
Awesome! Thanks for the clarification!
I'm interested in being part of the committee.
On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 12:09 PM, Troy Dawson tdawson@redhat.com wrote:
A few good questions have come up. What are the responsibilities I would take on if I joined the committee? Can I work on a sub-set of those responsibilities?
Ari was in charge of keeping the jenkins cli working for our Paas. He made sure the automatic builds continued building on their appointed time. He made sure that it was easy to do manual builds. When OpenShift Origin code changed and broke the automation he would jump in to fix the automation. When OpenShift Origin code changed and broke the builds he would jump in to fix the automation.
Troy was in charge of orchestrating everything and making sure things happened. He held the weekly Paas Sig meeting. He did the documentation. He maintained the package repo's, and koji build targets. He was the automation backup, so he helped Ari figure out the broken bits. He was the central source of information. So if people had questions, or wanted to pass information on, it tended to go through him. This could certainly change. He was the backup for pretty much everyone. So as people came and went from the Paas Sig, he would drop and/or gain new roles.
These roles could certainly be broken up, so that others could take certain parts. We could certainly have more than two people take over these roles.
On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Troy Dawson tdawson@redhat.com wrote:
Hello, Due to "Real Life" the following CentOS PAAS Sig committee members will be leaving the committee, on the following dates. We will need to get replacements for them by those dates.
Ari LiVigni - March 14th Troy Dawson - May 15th
Ari is in charge of Automation. Troy is the committee chairman.
The CentOS PAAS Sig has been very successful in bringing a free version of OpenShift to everyone. These two people have been a very large part of that. They will be missed.
But it's time to look to the future. We need people to step up and not only fill their shoes, but continue to move forward.
Take a minute and see if this is something that you would want to do. If it is, please let us know.
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-- Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira Senior Software Engineer T: +55 11 3524-6125 <+55%2011%203524-6126> | M: +55 11 9 7069-6531 Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 3900, 8° Andar. São Paulo, Brasil https://maps.google.com/?q=Av.+Brigadeiro+Faria+Lima+3900,+8%C2%B0+Andar.+S%C3%A3o+Paulo,+Brasil&entry=gmail&source=g . https://red.ht/sig TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED. https://redhat.com/trusted
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