on 3-13-2009 1:39 AM Manuel Amador (Rudd-O) spake the following:
Based on my earlier work, it brings me much pleasure to contribute the attached patch (which requires the earlier, lexicographical-order patch to be applied first). The following attached file makes distutils automatically add dependencies to the Requires: field in the RPM spec file, if the egg metadata specifies any primary dependency.
With this patch, it is no longer needed to manually specify your dependencies in both setup.cfg and requires.txt. DRY FTW!
I am not taking sides on this issue, but you would probably get farther with this if you submit the patches upstream. CentOS doesn't do a lot of patching to upstream code unless it is necessary for the build process.
If you get this past RedHat, it will flow down to CentOS. That is the path you would need to follow.