We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
We have attached a text file with some rewording and what will become a new virtualization slide.
What we need is for "other than english" speakers to translate the slides to other local languages.
Please could we have volunteers translate the text for the "Title" and "Information" sections and attach them to e-mails to this list?
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
--- Johnny Hughes wrote:
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
We have attached a text file with some rewording and what will become a new virtualization slide.
What we need is for "other than english" speakers to translate the slides to other local languages.
Please could we have volunteers translate the text for the "Title" and "Information" sections and attach them to e-mails to this list?
insted of sending each version of translated text, why not translated directly into a wiki page so every contributor can work together and we all see and get an agreemen in what to be displayed ...
I know people in spanish list will contribute to this, but we are more than 2 already :-)
cu roger
__________________________________________ RedHat Certified Engineer ( RHCE ) Cisco Certified Network Associate ( CCNA )
____________________________________________________________________________________ Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection. Try the free Yahoo! Mail Beta.
--- Johnny Hughes wrote:
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
We have attached a text file with some rewording and what will become a new virtualization slide.
What we need is for "other than english" speakers to translate the slides to other local languages.
Please could we have volunteers translate the text for the "Title" and "Information" sections and attach them to e-mails to this list?
this is my very-first version of anaconda-spanish-slides
I am CC to centos-es mailling list so we could get more contributions:
again, a wiki page with this file information as the start seed could help in the same way wikipedia get a better article :-)
cu roger
__________________________________________ RedHat Certified Engineer ( RHCE ) Cisco Certified Network Associate ( CCNA )
____________________________________________________________________________________ Finding fabulous fares is fun. Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and hotel bargains.
Slides: 03-centos5-yum.png
Title: Gestión de paquetes con Yum
La vía recomendada para instalar o actualizar CentOS es usar Yum (Yellow Dog Updater, Modified).
Vea la guia titulada: "Managing Software with Yum" en el enlace a la documentación siguiente.
YumEx, una interfase gráfica para Yum, también está disponible en el reposorio CentOS Extras.
Más información: ========== 04-centos5-centos.png
Title: Reposorios de software para CentOS
Los siguientes reposorios existen en CentOS desde los cuales se pueden instalar aplicaciones:
[base] (aka [os]) - Los RPMS presentes en los ficheros ISO de CentOS. [updates] - Actualizaciones (Updates) al reposorio [base]. [extras] - Elementos que no están presentes en el proveedor (no mejoran paquetes en [base]). [centosplus] - Elementos que no están presentes en el proveedor (mejoran paquetes en [base]). [testing] - Elementos en prueba, paquetes de calidad beta
Más información: ========== 06-centos5-support.png
Title: Ayuda con CentOS
Ud puede obtener ayuda con CentOS de varias maneras, incluyendo:
* Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - #centos, #centos-social y #centos-devel en
* Listas de Correo - CentOS, CentOS-Devel, CentOS-Announce y en las listas expecíficas de otros idiomas que aparecen en
* Foros: Disponible en
Más información: ========== 08-centos5-wiki.png
Title: Documentación para CentOS
La siguiente Documentación esta disponible para CentOS:
Deployment Guide, Installation Guide, Virtualization Guide, Cluster Suite Overview, Cluster Administration, Cluster Logical Volume Manager, Global File System, Global Network Block Device, Virtual Server Administration, Managing Software with yum, Using YumEx, and release notes for all software.
Más información: ========== 08-centos5-wiki.png
Title: Wiki de CentOS
El wiki de CentOS está disponible con Preguntas Más Frecuentes (FAQs), COMOs (HowTos), Tips y Artículos en varios asuntos relacionados con CentOS que incluyen instalación de aplicaciones, actualizaciones, configuración de reposorios y mucho más.
El wiki también contiene información de Eventos de CentOS en tu localidad and CentOS media sightings.
En conjunto con las lista de correo CentOS-Docs, los contribuyentes pueden obtener permiso para publicar artículos, tips y COMOs (HowTos) en el wiki de CentOS .... así que contribuye hoy mismo!!
Más información: ========== 09-centos5-virtualization.png
Title: Virtualización en CentOS-5
CentOS-5 ofrece Virtualización vía Xen para las plataformas i386 y x86_64 en ambos modos: fully-virtualized y para-virtualized
La Guía de Virtualización y las Guía para la Administración de un Servidor Virtual ofrecen información sobre la virtualización en CentOS-5.
Más información:
Johnny Hughes wrote:
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
We have attached a text file with some rewording and what will become a new virtualization slide.
Contributors: Watch out! The text is not complete, you have to work with both the graphics on and the attached text.
What we need is for "other than english" speakers to translate the slides to other local languages.
I did a rough translation of the slides. Next step is having CentOS-de discuss about that translation and weed out errors.
One thing I noticed:
Sometimes it is CentOS 5, sometimes CentOS-5 - there should be one version to stick to.
On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:08:47 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
We have attached a text file with some rewording and what will become a new virtualization slide.
What we need is for "other than english" speakers to translate the slides to other local languages.
Please could we have volunteers translate the text for the "Title" and "Information" sections and attach them to e-mails to this list?
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Is a Japanese version needed at all? If so, I would be happy to help.
On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 11:08 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
We have attached a text file with some rewording and what will become a new virtualization slide.
What we need is for "other than english" speakers to translate the slides to other local languages.
Please could we have volunteers translate the text for the "Title" and "Information" sections and attach them to e-mails to this list?
please find attached the italian translation.
On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 13:18:45 -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:08:47 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
We have attached a text file with some rewording and what will become a new virtualization slide.
What we need is for "other than english" speakers to translate the slides to other local languages.
Please could we have volunteers translate the text for the "Title" and "Information" sections and attach them to e-mails to this list?
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Is a Japanese version needed at all? If so, I would be happy to help.
Just noticed this description:
"Which languages do we want? Any that you are fluent in and are included in the CentOS-5 install choices."
And Japanese is apparently one of the choices...So, here we go, the Japanese translation.
Slide 3:
Title: Yumによるソフトウェアの管理
インストールやアップグレードではyum (Yellow Dog Updater, Modified)を使うことを お勧めします。
下のドキュメンテーションのリンクにあります"Managing Software with Yum"を 参照してください。
YumのGUIフロントエンドであるyumexもCentOS Extrasのレポジトリから入手できます。
More info:
Slide 4:
Title: CentOS ソフトウェアのレポジトリ
以下のレポジトリがCentOS ソフトウェアのインストールにご利用になれます。
[base] (すなわち[os]) - CentOS ISO でリリースされたRPMS [updates] - [base]レポジトリのアップデート [extras] - 上位ベンダーにはないCentOSによるもの ([base]をアップグレードしない) [centosplus] - 上位ベンダーにはないCentOSによるもの ([base]をアップグレードする) [testing] - テスト中、ベータ品質のパッケージ
More info:
Slide 6:
Title: CentOS ヘルプ
* チャット(IRC) - の #centos, #centos-social および #centos-devel * メーリングリスト - CentOS, CentOS-Devel, CentOS-Announce および 英語以外の言語の リストが にあります。
More info:
Slide 7:
Title: CentOS ドキュメンテーション
Deployment Guide, Installation Guide, Virtualization Guide, Cluster Suite Overview, Cluster Administration, Cluster Logical Volume Manager, Global File System, Global Network Block Device, Virtual Server Administration, Managing Software with yum, Using YumEx, and release notes for all software.
More info:
Slide 8:
Title: CentOS Wiki (ウィキ)
CentOS wiki からは、ソフトウェアのインストール、アップグレード、レポジトリの設定などに関する FAQ, HowTo, ヒントならびに多くのCentOS関連のトピックスなどが得られます。
CentOS-Docsメーリングリストに関連して、寄与した方はCentOS wikiに文書、ヒント、HowToを 投稿する許可がもらえます。さっそく寄与しましょう。
More info:
And Japanese is apparently one of the choices...So, here we go, the Japanese translation.
Slide 3:
Just a question: why aren't slides 1 and 2 included in the .txt to be translated?
Was it a mistake? or will slides 1 and 2 be in English only?
Title: Yumによるソフトウェアの管理
インストールやアップグレードではyum (Yellow Dog Updater, Modified)を使うことを お勧めします。
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:02:10 -0500, Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez wrote:
And Japanese is apparently one of the choices...So, here we go, the Japanese translation.
Just a question: why aren't slides 1 and 2 included in the .txt to be translated?
Was it a mistake? or will slides 1 and 2 be in English only?
I was looking at the anaconda_english_slides.txt file which started with slide 3. Will do the slides 1 and 2 shortly.
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 07:28:25 -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
I was looking at the anaconda_english_slides.txt file which started with slide 3. Will do the slides 1 and 2 shortly.
These are slides 1 and 2.
Slide 1:
Title: ようこそCentOS 5へ!
CentOS 5をインストールしていただきありがとうございます。
CentOSは上位ベンダーの再配布ポリシーを全面的に遵守し、100% のバイナリ互換性を目標としています(CentOSは主に上位ベンダーの商標とアートワークを除去するようパッケージに変更を加えています)。
Slide 2:
Title: CentOS への寄付
CentOSを提供している組織は、The CentOS Project (CentOS プロジェクト)と名付けられています。私たちはどの他の組織とも関連しておりません。
* - CentOSの配布のための唯一のハードウェアや資金源は寄付です。
* - CentOSが有用であるようでしたら、どうぞ寄付をお願いいたします。
On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 11:08 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
We have attached a text file with some rewording and what will become a new virtualization slide.
What we need is for "other than english" speakers to translate the slides to other local languages.
Please could we have volunteers translate the text for the "Title" and "Information" sections and attach them to e-mails to this list?
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Here they are ...
Utilisateurs CentOS-FR : pouvez-vous vérifier la traduction et apporter vos commentaires éventuels ? Merci
Fabian Arrotin wrote:
CentOS est une distribution Linux de type entreprise qui est construite à partir des sources disponibles gratuitement et mises à disposition au public par une société importante d'Amérique du Nord spécialisée dans la vente de produits Linux.
I think we have to find another way to redistribute the content of the slides. Everything I've seen this far had problems with special characters in it (spanish, japanese, this one here), so we cannot go with that. I don't think that everyone will see the german special characters either, if I'd post that.
The one up there looks like utf-8 characters in iso-8859-1x context.
The wiki seems to be able to handle special characters correctly, as it delivers utf-8 pages.
Should we do it on there?
The wiki seems to be able to handle special characters correctly, as it delivers utf-8 pages.
Should we do it on there?
Yes indeed.
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 21:19:45 +0100, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Fabian Arrotin wrote:
CentOS est une distribution Linux de type entreprise qui est construite à partir des sources disponibles gratuitement et mises à disposition au public par une société importante d'Amérique du Nord spécialisée dans la vente de produits Linux.
I think we have to find another way to redistribute the content of the slides. Everything I've seen this far had problems with special characters in it (spanish, japanese, this one here), so we cannot go with that. I don't think that everyone will see the german special characters either, if I'd post that.
The one up there looks like utf-8 characters in iso-8859-1x context.
The wiki seems to be able to handle special characters correctly, as it delivers utf-8 pages.
Should we do it on there?
I kind of expected this problem. In the case of Japanese (probably true for other languages also), there are so many different encoding methods. I chose utf-8 in my translation because the html file on the installation CD is using it. And many, but not all, Japanese web sites use utf-8.
On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 11:08 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
We have attached a text file with some rewording and what will become a new virtualization slide.
What we need is for "other than english" speakers to translate the slides to other local languages.
Please could we have volunteers translate the text for the "Title" and "Information" sections and attach them to e-mails to this list?
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Oups, i tried to translate the slides yesterday in the evening but it seems i was a little bit tired ... :o) Here they are again with some typo errors now corrected ...
CentOS-FR : pouvez-vous vérifier à nouveau ? et merci pour les corrections éventuelles ...
Fabian Arrotin wrote:
CentOS est une distribution Linux de type entreprise qui est construite à partir des sources disponibles gratuitement et mises à disposition au public par une société importante d'Amérique du Nord spécialisée dans la vente de produits Linux.
Again: Don't declare it as iso-8859-15 if it is utf-8 in reality =:)
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 21:19:45 +0100, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
The wiki seems to be able to handle special characters correctly, as it delivers utf-8 pages.
Should we do it on there?
I have a more complete version (all slides 1 to 9) of the Japanese translation. Should I post here again? How would you "do it" on wiki? Please advise.
Akemi Yagi wrote:
I have a more complete version (all slides 1 to 9) of the Japanese translation. Should I post here again? How would you "do it" on wiki? Please advise.
Please create an account on the wiki for yourself (AkemiYagi is the preferred username).
I'll be setting up a wiki page for the translations today and give you (and the other translators which already seem to have a wiki account) access rights for that.
Johnny Hughes wrote:
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
There is a wiki page with/for completed translations which is linked from the page above:
If you translate the slides and need access to that wiki page, please create a wiki account for yourself (FirstnameLastname, please) and shout "here!".
People with write access there at the moment are:
ErnestoPerez (spanish) AkemiYagi (japanese) FabianArrotin (french) Myself (german).
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 15:35:37 +0100, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Akemi Yagi wrote:
I have a more complete version (all slides 1 to 9) of the Japanese translation. Should I post here again? How would you "do it" on wiki? Please advise.
Please create an account on the wiki for yourself (AkemiYagi is the preferred username).
I'll be setting up a wiki page for the translations today and give you (and the other translators which already seem to have a wiki account) access rights for that.
Thanks. I have created my account as suggested. Since I am a first-timer, I will learn a bit about wiki editing before doing the real work.
Akemi Yagi wrote:
Thanks. I have created my account as suggested. Since I am a first-timer, I will learn a bit about wiki editing before doing the real work.
I have created the page which you may edit.
I have put the german translation there, so you just might follow that. I already created a place for the japanese translation :)
--- Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Johnny Hughes wrote:
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS
Wiki as they are
presently for English.
There is a wiki page with/for completed translations which is linked from the page above:
If you translate the slides and need access to that wiki page, please create a wiki account for yourself (FirstnameLastname, please) and shout "here!".
People with write access there at the moment are:
may I have access to spanish version? RogerPena or it have to be one and only one, if so, is better that Ernesto take that role?
ErnestoPerez (spanish) AkemiYagi (japanese) FabianArrotin (french) Myself (german).
cu roger
__________________________________________ RedHat Certified Engineer ( RHCE ) Cisco Certified Network Associate ( CCNA )
____________________________________________________________________________________ 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.
--- Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Roger Peña wrote:
may I have access to spanish version? RogerPena or it have to be one and only one, if so, is
that Ernesto take that role?
I already uploaded the spanish version, the last one send it to this list by Ernesto
Sure, if you two keep in sync :)
that is why wiki is better for this kind of thing than mailling list, now I will get in touch with Ernesto regarding some word changes, I think, we need to make, I hope to get some agreement ;-)
cu roger
__________________________________________ RedHat Certified Engineer ( RHCE ) Cisco Certified Network Associate ( CCNA )
____________________________________________________________________________________ Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check. Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta.
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 16:12:06 +0100, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Akemi Yagi wrote:
Thanks. I have created my account as suggested. Since I am a first-timer, I will learn a bit about wiki editing before doing the real work.
I have created the page which you may edit.
I have put the german translation there, so you just might follow that. I already created a place for the japanese translation :)
Just put up the first version of Japanese translation. I am going to ask people on the CentOS Japanese users mailing list to check the page. Yes, there is such a thing. For those interested:
Akemi Yagi wrote:
Just put up the first version of Japanese translation.
Hmmm. Which fonts need to be installed to see *all* characters?
Because I'm only seeing this:
I am going to ask people on the CentOS Japanese users mailing list to check the page. Yes, there is such a thing. For those interested:
Hmmm. Why isn't that under :(
Matteo Centonza wrote:
[italian translation]
Can you create an account for yourself on the wiki (MatteoCentonza) and paste that again to under Italian?
We want to do that to rule out charset problems when copying and pasting into the graphics program.
Thank you very much in advance,
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 19:46:43 +0100, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Akemi Yagi wrote:
Just put up the first version of Japanese translation.
Hmmm. Which fonts need to be installed to see *all* characters?
Because I'm only seeing this:
Gosh, that's not pretty. Try installing fonts-ja and ttfonts-ja.
I am going to ask people on the CentOS Japanese users mailing list to check the page. Yes, there is such a thing. For those interested:
Hmmm. Why isn't that under :(
I don't know...
Akemi Yagi wrote:
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 19:46:43 +0100, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Akemi Yagi wrote:
Just put up the first version of Japanese translation.
Hmmm. Which fonts need to be installed to see *all* characters? Because I'm only seeing this:
Gosh, that's not pretty. Try installing fonts-ja and ttfonts-ja.
I installed fonts-japanese (on Fedora Core, I have to admit), and it works :)
Hmmm. Why isn't that under :(
I don't know...
Ah, well. Would be nice (and somewhat more official).
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:30:41 -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 16:12:06 +0100, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Akemi Yagi wrote:
Just put up the first version of Japanese translation. I am going to ask people on the CentOS Japanese users mailing list to check the page. Yes, there is such a thing. For those interested:
I have received several good suggestions which will improve the translation and updated my original version accordingly.
Johnny Hughes napsal(a):
We have added some anaconda slides to the CentOS Wiki as they are presently for English.
We have attached a text file with some rewording and what will become a new virtualization slide.
What we need is for "other than english" speakers to translate the slides to other local languages.
Please could we have volunteers translate the text for the "Title" and "Information" sections and attach them to e-mails to this list?
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Hi Johnny, Please find attached Czech version. Hope not sending late... Regards, David
Slides: 01-centos5-welcome.png
Title: CentOS vás vítá!
Děkujeme, že si instalujete CentOS 5.
Centos je Enterprise Linux distribuce, postavená na volně dostupných zdrojových kódech významného severoamerického vydavatele Enterprise Linux distribuce.
CentOS je má shodnou politiku distribuce jako nadřazený vydavatel a je 100% binárně kompatibilní. (Změny balíčků ze strany CentOS povětšinou zahrnují pouze změnu výtvarné části či značky nadřazeného vydavatele.)
Více na: ========== 02-centos5-donate.png:
Title: Dary pro CentOS
The CentOS Projekt je organizace vydávající CentOS. Tato organizace není napojena na žádnou další organizaci.
* Všechen hardware a výdaje na distribuci a vývoj CentOS pocházejí z darů, které jsou jediným zdrojem našich příjmů.
* Pokud je pro vás CentOS užitečný, prosím zvažte podporu CentOS vyjádřenou ve formě peněžních či nepeněžních darů.
Více na: ========== 03-centos5-yum.png
Title: Správa balíčků pomocí Yum
Doporučený způsob instalace či upgradu je pomocí programu Yum (Yellow Dog Updater, Modified).
Viz: "Managing Software with Yum" na odkaze uvedeném níže.
K dispozici je rovněž YumEx, což je grafické rozhraní pro Yum. Naleznete jej v sekci CentOS Extras.
Více na: ========== 04-centos5-centos.png
Title: CentOS software
Software pro CentOS můžete instalovat z následujících sekcí:
[base] (jakož [os]) - RPMS balíčky vydané v rámci CentOS ISO. [updates] - Opravy [base] sekce. [extras] - Balíčky nedodávané nadřazeným vydavatelem (neupravuje [base]). [centosplus] - Balíčky nedodávané nadřazeným vydavatelem (upravuje [base]). [testing] - Testovací či beta verze balíčků
Více na: ========== 06-centos5-support.png
Title: Podpora a pomoc CentOS
Je několik způsobů, jak se dobrat podpory k CentOS:
* Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - #centos, #centos-social a #centos-devel na
* Konference - CentOS, CentOS-Devel, CentOS-Announce a několik neanglicky hovořících, včetně české konference, viz
* Fórum: viz
* Wiki: viz
Více na: ========== 08-centos5-wiki.png
Title: Dokumentace pro CentOS
Následující dokumentace pro CentOS je dostupná (v angličtině):
Deployment Guide, Installation Guide, Virtualization Guide, Cluster Suite Overview, Cluster Administration, Cluster Logical Volume Manager, Global File System, Global Network Block Device, Virtual Server Administration, Managing Software with yum, Using YumEx a poznámky pro vydání u každého balíčku.
Více na: ========== 08-centos5-wiki.png
Title: CentOS Wiki
Na CentOS Wiki naleznete často kladené dotazy (FAQ), tipy a články.
Wiki obsahuje taktéž informace o událostech týkající se CentOS, které vás mohou zajímat a upoutávky na informace o CentOS v médiích.
Přihlaste se do konference CentOS-Docs. Začnete tvořit tipy a články, dostanete práva na zápis do Wiki ... neváhejte a začnete přispívat do Wiki ještě dnes!
Více na: ========== 09-centos5-virtualization.png
Title: Virtualizace na CentOS-5
Na CentOS-5 i386 a x86_64 je možné provozovat virtualizaci pomocí software Xen, a to jak plnou virtualizaci, tak paravirtualizaci.
The Virtualization Guide a Virtual Server Administration Guide naleznete na níže uvedeném odkazu.
Více na:
David Hrbáč wrote:
Hi Johnny, Please find attached Czech version. Hope not sending late... Regards, David
Slides: 01-centos5-welcome.png
Title: CentOS v??s v??t??!
Known Problem, wrong character encoding for the content :)
Can you put those slides on the wiki - you are allowed to edit the translation page.
David Hrbáč wrote:
Ralph Angenendt napsal(a):
David Hrbáč wrote:
Hi Johnny, Please find attached Czech version. Hope not sending late...
added into WIki.
Thank you very much.
Attached file has been UTF-8...
Not in my mutt >:)
I 2 anaconda_czech_slides.txt [text/plain, 8bit, us-ascii [c], 3.6K]
On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 06:07:48PM +0200, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Attached file has been UTF-8...
Not in my mutt >:)
I 2 anaconda_czech_slides.txt [text/plain, 8bit, us-ascii [c], 3.6K]
Both are wrong. Ding, thx for playing.
The attached file had no charset defined. So it will use anything your MUA decides is correct.
Some will try and detect the charset (bad, bad idea). Some will default to system, and some will just assign a default value.
Interesting enough, my system is (doh! CentOS4) UTF-8 by default, but Mutt is defaulting that particular attachment to iso-8859-1 here (yes, set charset="utf-8" is configured).
Very odd.
- -- Rodrigo Barbosa "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur" "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)
Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 06:07:48PM +0200, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Attached file has been UTF-8...
Not in my mutt >:)
I 2 anaconda_czech_slides.txt [text/plain, 8bit, us-ascii [c], 3.6K]
Both are wrong. Ding, thx for playing.
The attached file had no charset defined. So it will use anything your MUA decides is correct.
Which strangely is 8bit US-Ascii (ha!) in my case :)
Some will try and detect the charset (bad, bad idea). Some will default to system, and some will just assign a default value.
Interesting enough, my system is (doh! CentOS4) UTF-8 by default, but Mutt is defaulting that particular attachment to iso-8859-1 here (yes, set charset="utf-8" is configured).
Same here, but mutt sees it as ascii. That's why I put some pressure on people to put that on the wiki, as that is utf-8 safe.
And (as everything is on one page) it's easier to digest for those creating the slides than pulling the correct version from some mailing list ...
Roger Peña wrote:
this is my very-first version of anaconda-spanish-slides
I am CC to centos-es mailling list so we could get more contributions:
Do we have names on who did the spanish translation? Was it you and Ernesto or are there other people (or the complete es-list) involved?
It would be great if you could provide that info.
--- Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Roger Peña wrote:
this is my very-first version of anaconda-spanish-slides
I am CC to centos-es mailling list so we could get more contributions:
Do we have names on who did the spanish translation? Was it you and Ernesto or are there other people (or the complete es-list) involved?
preaty much I did the first draft then Ernesto made the corrections and we ask for sujestions in the list, we get some good ones :-) looks at this thread:
team work :-) cu roger
__________________________________________ RedHat Certified Engineer ( RHCE ) Cisco Certified Network Associate ( CCNA )
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Roger Peña wrote:
--- Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Roger Peña wrote:
this is my very-first version of anaconda-spanish-slides
I am CC to centos-es mailling list so we could get more contributions:
Do we have names on who did the spanish translation? Was it you and Ernesto or are there other people (or the complete es-list) involved?
preaty much I did the first draft then Ernesto made the corrections and we ask for sujestions in the list, we get some good ones :-) looks at this thread:
we want to list the people who were involved, so that people get credit and a thanks for their efforts. so we would really like a list of people :) - and since that conversation seems to have taken place in spanish, I think you might need to get the list :)
- KB
On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 01:08:56 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
we want to list the people who were involved, so that people get credit and a thanks for their efforts. so we would really like a list of people :) - and since that conversation seems to have taken place in spanish, I think you might need to get the list :)
- KB
I would like to acknowledge the following two people on the CentOS Japanese mailing list for providing suggestions that helped me improve on the Japanese translation.
Kazuhiko Oho Hajime Taira
Thank you, Akemi
Karanbir Singh wrote:
:) - and since that conversation seems to have taken place in spanish, I think you might need to get the list :)
Roger Peña Escobio
Ernesto Pérez Estévez
Also these people were involved with suggestions: Hardy Beltrán Monasterios Jordi Espasa Clofent
regards epe
- KB
--- Karanbir Singh wrote:
Roger Peña wrote:
--- Ralph Angenendt
Roger Peña wrote:
this is my very-first version of anaconda-spanish-slides
I am CC to centos-es mailling list so we could
more contributions:
Do we have names on who did the spanish
Was it you and Ernesto or are there other people (or the
es-list) involved?
preaty much I did the first draft then Ernesto made the corrections and we ask for sujestions in the list,
get some good ones :-) looks at this thread:
we want to list the people who were involved, so that people get credit and a thanks for their efforts. so we would really like a list of people :) - and since that conversation seems to have taken place in spanish, I think you might need to get the list :)
you already have Ernesto's name and my name too so here are the others names:
Hardy Beltran Monasterios Jordi Espasa Clofent
well, in case you could not find ours names :-) here therir comes: Ernesto Pérez Estévez Roger Peña Escobio
full of "special chars" :-)
thanks roger
__________________________________________ RedHat Certified Engineer ( RHCE ) Cisco Certified Network Associate ( CCNA )
____________________________________________________________________________________ It's here! Your new message! Get new email alerts with the free Yahoo! Toolbar.
On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 00:59:04 +0200 Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Fabian Arrotin wrote:
Here they are ...
Here again: Have you been the sole translator or were other people involved in the french translation?
We'd like to get the names.
For the Dutch translation:
Roeland Struijk Dominick Grift Mark Ruys Daniel de Kok
-- Daniel