This resolves the issue. Booting using an earlier version of the kernel allows my system to be stable. So it seems like the new kernel is not working with my hardware? Is this a normal occurrence sometimes? Should I be collecting information to write it up as a bug report, or am I screwed with that version of the kernel?
Thanks so much for your help btw Tetsuo.
On 2/4/2012 8:56 PM, Tetsuo Handa wrote:
Sounds like a hardware failure is coming.
I assume your current kernel is 2.6.32-220.4.1.el6. Boot with current kernel and change timeout= and hiddenmenu lines in /boot/grub/grub.conf as below.
timeout=5 #hiddenmenu
Then, reboot and choose previous kernel (2.6.32-220.2.1.el6 ?) and test whether your problem still happens or not.
On 02/05/2012 11:31 AM, Jonathan Vomacka wrote:
This resolves the issue. Booting using an earlier version of the kernel allows my system to be stable. So it seems like the new kernel is not working with my hardware? Is this a normal occurrence sometimes? Should I be collecting information to write it up as a bug report, or am I screwed with that version of the kernel?
Please do write the bug report.