Hi, I just converted all the origin/images Dockerfiles to be rpm based, instead of "build the binaries before you start" based. These are in my fork of origin, in the 2016-centos-images branch.
You will notice both Dockerfile, Dockerfile.original, and Dockerfile.centos.
Dockerfile and Dockerfile.centos should be the same. Dockerfile.original is the original Dockerfile from OpenShift Origin.
As an extra bonus, I wrote README.image.order.md
That gives a human readable image dependency list, as well as a quick and dirty "Cut and paste this and you'll build all the OpenShift Origin images, in the right order"
On 13/04/16 22:54, Troy Dawson wrote:
Hi, I just converted all the origin/images Dockerfiles to be rpm based, instead of "build the binaries before you start" based. These are in my fork of origin, in the 2016-centos-images branch.
You will notice both Dockerfile, Dockerfile.original, and Dockerfile.centos.
Dockerfile and Dockerfile.centos should be the same. Dockerfile.original is the original Dockerfile from OpenShift Origin.
As an extra bonus, I wrote README.image.order.md
That gives a human readable image dependency list, as well as a quick and dirty "Cut and paste this and you'll build all the OpenShift Origin images, in the right order"
lets see if we can get these churned in the coming days and provide feedback ( better still, provide urls to pull from! )