On 04/04/2011 06:46 PM, Dennis Gerasimov wrote:
Thank you, I think I know just the part I want to tackle: the cluster suite: cman, clvm and rgmanager (excluding gfs* for now). Where do we keep the tests? Are there examples of tests for other packages that I can look at?
http://www.karan.org/blog/index.php/2010/03/30/autmated-install-testing-for-... has something to start with, its very basic, but its something. There have been a few posts about that here on the list as well. But I'll give you enough to get started with :
The tests themselves can be of two types :
a) installer based ( where one would write a kickstart, that sets up the machine does its tests or sets up the tests in %post ). Kickstarts are well, kickstarts. Look here for some examples if you need to : https://nazar.karan.org/cgit/bluecain/tree/
b) post-install scripts. These are the ones where one would do functional tests. Each of these tests is a single script which must - at this time - be self contained. And the only real concern for the testing system is what the exit code was ( 0 = pass, 1 = fail ). They can be written in any language you like. Here is a very simple example:
------------------------------------ #!/bin/sh echo -n 'Test that all updates can be applied to this machine cleanly' yum -d0 -y upgrade > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo ': PASS' else echo ': Fail' exit 1 fi ------------------------------------
here is another which does something similar : ------------------------------------ #!/bin/sh echo -n 'Test that all 32 rpms can be removed' # only run this test on x86_64 machines! is64=$(uname -m|grep x86_64) if [ "$?" -ne '0' ]; then echo ' Skip' exit 1 fi yum -d0 -y erase *.i?86 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo ' PASS' else echo ' Fail' exit 1 fi
# note, this does not imply the machine is still usable after # the remove! need to test that independently
Things that you *do* need to be concerned about :
- kickstarts should make no assumptions about storage ( since we run them on xen and kvm hosts ). If you need specific names and labels, use lvm.
- Getting the tests into the machine post install is not something you need to worry about, thats done by the test harness.
- ideally, tests will be in filenames that reflect the package or the nature of the test they are hoping to work against. eg: yum_CanBlindUpgrade.sh and yum_CanRemove32bit.sh
- if you are not writing a kickstart to cover the scope of tests, then you need to assume packages being tested are not installed. eg. php tests should start with a 'yum -d0 install php'
- test real functionality first, then work your way down if you want to. Eg:
------------------------------------ #!/bin/sh echo -n 'Test to see if dns works' echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolv.conf # its important we dont hit a dns record with a wildcard like centos.org ping -c 1 www.google.com > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo ' PASS' else echo ' Fail' exit 1 fi
# implied results: # - network works # - default route is really honoured # - atleast one network link on the machine is working # - ipv4 is functional
So in this case, its testing if DNS is functional ( something a user would care about ) and you get some free test wins ( network works, route etc ).
Questions ? ask away. Maybe a few people can get together and even start working on a set of wiki pages for this stuff!
The tests are all inside a git repo, but for the first few that you write - how about posting them here to the list and we can take it from there.
- KB