It's time for our weekly PaaS SIG sync-up meeting
Please remember that in U.S. daylight savings happened, and this
meeting is keyed to UTC. So this meeting is now one hour later that
it was last week.
Time: 1700 UTC - Wedensdays (date -d "1700 UTC")
Date: Today Wedensday, 08 November 2017
Where: IRC- Freenode - #centos-devel
- OpenShift Current Status
-- rpms
-- Automated rpm building and Automated testing
-- Multi-arch
-- Documentation
-- Images and Image building
-- minishift
-- kompose / kedge
- Open Floor
Minutes from last meeting:
Hi there,
I'm hitting a conflict when using Ceph and oVirt 4.2beta.
The upcoming oVirt 4.2 release is pulling in ~liburcu-cds.so.6 where
Ceph is requiring liburcu-cds.so.1. And the same for liburcu-bp.
Here is the output from yum update:
When can I expect a test build of origin 3.7.0 rpm package?
Over the weekend I grabbed the tarball 3.7.0-rc.0 and used it to update one of my systems. In 3.6, it was having problems using Vsphere as a cloud provider. 3.7 fix the issues I was having.
It's time for our weekly PaaS SIG sync-up meeting
Time: 1700 UTC - Wedensdays (date -d "1700 UTC")
Date: Today Wedensday, 01 November 2017
Where: IRC- Freenode - #centos-devel
- OpenShift Current Status
-- rpms
-- Building origin 3.7 rc0
-- Automated rpm building and Automated testing
-- Multi-arch
-- Documentation
-- Images and Image building
-- minishift (marcindulak and lalatenduM)
-- kompose (cdrage (candate) pradeepto (india) and tkral (brno))
- Open Floor
Minutes from last meeting:
As you may be aware, we are once again planning to hold the annual
pre-FOSDEM Dojo in Brussels, February 2nd, 2018.
The CFP for this event is open, and there's more information in this
blog post:
We're looking for talks about CentOS - any and all aspects of CentOS,
and the various communities/projects that rely on CentOS for their CI,
development platforms, or where they are deployed. We're particularly
looking for case studies of how you use CentOS in your production
deployments to make the world better.
The CFP closes on November 5th, at midnight. Please get your talks in,
so that we can once again put together a great schedule. See the 2017
schedule, at https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/Brussels2017 , for
inspiration as to what kind of talks were chosen last year.
Rich Bowen: Community Architect
@rbowen // @RDOCommunity // @CentOSProject
1 859 351 9166
The last build for origin 3.7 alpha dates back to october 4th [1] and
there's now been a release candidate built [2].
Can we expect a new build in the origin 3.7 testing repositories soon ?
Thanks !
[1]: http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=20056
[2]: https://cbs.centos.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=238682
David Moreau Simard
Senior Software Engineer | OpenStack RDO
dmsimard = [irc, github, twitter]