On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Karanbir Singh mail-lists@karan.org wrote:
As the subject line of this email says, the CentOS-5-Testing repository now also has the sqlite databases along with the usual xml files. This should result in faster end to end yum operations.
Depending on how this goes, we will then start adding the sqlite db's to the CentOS-5 repos on mirror.centos.org as well.
As always, feedback is required. Either here in this mailing list or on http://bugs.centos.org/
OK, just a few things I noticed.
(1) yum-changelog cannot be installed:
Error: Missing Dependency: python-dateutil is needed by package yum-changelog-1.1.14-0_beta_15_2.el5.centos.noarch (c5-testing)
(2) the skip-broken plugin causes an error:
optparse.OptionConflictError: option --skip-broken: conflicting option string(s): --skip-broken
FIX: disable skip-broken
(3) On an x86_64 system with *no* i386 packages installed, the issue reported in
did not occur (issue = 'yum install httpd-devel' installs both x86_64 and i386 rpm's). Only the x86_64 rpm was installed.
(4) However, 'yum install firefox' installs both arches unless '.x86_86' is specified (on a clean x86_64 only system).
That's all for now.