The newsletter list is one-way, and so your response to it was sent
through moderation.
I would *love* to have your help in getting the newsletter together. So
far, it's just me, so there's no other communication channels, but the
right one is probably the promo list -
https://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-promo (copied)
This month, we have (so far) no reports from any of the SIGs, and that's
where I've been working: Showing up for the SIG IRC meetings, and asking
them for a report, as well as digging through their meeting minutes -
https://www.centos.org/minutes/2018/ - looking for items of interest.
The next newsletter is scheduled to go out on July 2nd - I try to send
newsletters on the first Tuesday of the month.
Welcome aboard!
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166
Hi, folks,
Just wanted to give a quick update on what I've been doing around CentOS
Promo over the last few weeks, and what's coming up. Please help me in
promoting all of these things around the community.
* The CFP for the CentOS Dojo at DevConf.US closes this weekend. Details
at https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/DevConfUS2018 To be blunt, I'm
leaning very hard towards canceling it, due to the lack of talk
submissions that I can actually schedule. So far we have perhaps 3
presentations I would consider scheduling. I will have to make a
decision on Monday, so if you are waiting until the last minute, it has
* We will have a booth/table in the community room at DevConf.us. I'm
looking for volunteers.
I just need people who can be friendly, and answer questions.
* Next week I will be at ISC-HPC.com - the European Supercomputing
conference. My main goal there is to get video interviews with the
students participating in the Student Cluster Competition (because
they're all using CentOS) and talk with the research organizations and
Universities who are present (because they are, too).
* The CFP is open for the CentOS Dojo at CERN.
https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/CERN2018 The CFP is going very
well, and we'll be able to field a great schedule, based on what I've
seen so far. Keep them coming. Also, make sure to register, since
security is tight and you won't get in the front door if you haven't
* We have booked a space for the annual Dojo at FOSDEM. Same place as
last year. Early details are at
https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/Brussels2019 Look for a formal CFP
coming real soon.
* We have sponsored Ohio LinuxFest, in conjunction with Fedora.
https://ohiolinux.org/ I will soon be looking for volunteers to staff
our table/booth there.
* I am considering a presence at the following events:
* Open Source Summit, Edinburgh -
* Open Source Summit, Vancouver -
* https://sc18.supercomputing.org Dallas
If there are other events where you feel we should have a presence,
please speak up soon, as my calendar is filling up.
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166
The CentOS Dojo at DevConf.us is rushing up on us, and I'd like to have
a speaker schedule published by early next week.
If you are considering submitting a talk, please do it NOW, so that we
don't have to consider canceling this event. Thank you.
Event details: https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/DevConfUS2018
Call for papers: https://goo.gl/forms/kKta9IasJGNxIVR53
DevConf information: http://devconf.us/
Rich Bowen - rbowen(a)redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166
For the second year, we will be hosting a Dojo at CERN, on the Friday
immediately before the Open Source Summit in Edinburgh - that is, on
October 19th.
Details of this event, including the call for papers, are available at
Information about how you can help are at
In particular, at this point, we need help spreading the word about the
call for papers, or suggestions of individuals that we should solicit
talks from. We're particularly interested in content that is relevant to
research organizations like CERN - HPC, high-scale data storage, cloud
computing, and so on - but really any CentOS-related topic is fair game.
Rich Bowen: CentOS Community Manager
@rbowen // @CentOSProject
1 859 351 9166
DevConf.us is a new conference, modeled after DevConf.cz and DevConf.in,
which will held in Boston on August 17th - 19th.
We will be holding a CentOS Dojo on the Thursday before DevConf - August
16th - also at Boston University.
Details about this event are here:
The Call for Papers is currently open. If you expect to be in the area,
please consider submitting a talk. Or, if you have a suggestion for
someone from the local area who you think would be a good speaker,
please let me know.
So far we have a couple of speakers who have agreed to present - Matthew
Miller, of the Fedora community, and the folks from the Research
Computing Systems group at Boston University are trying to find the
right person to come talk to us about the projects that they work on.
Additionally, we'll have a table/booth at the main DevConf.us event. We
welcome anybody who wants to come help staff table and talk to our
community members.
Rich Bowen: CentOS Community Manager
@rbowen // @CentOSProject
1 859 351 9166
CentOS and Fedora are working together to sponsor the upcoming Ohio
LinuxFest in Columbus, October 12th and 13th. Our logo isn't up on the
site yet, but should be in the next day or two.
This is just a short drive from home for me, so I'll be carting the
tablecloth and pull-up banner and stickers, and some demo hardware, up
to Columbus for the weekend.
Details of our presence there are (will be) at
If you are (or will be) in the area around that time, you would be more
than welcome to come hang out at our table, and talk to our community.
OLF is a free, grassroots event, drawing somewhere around 1000
enthusiasts, mostly from the local area. It tends to have a lot of
students, but also people from local industry. The audience tends to be
very different on the Friday and Saturday, with lots of families and
kids showing up on Saturday, and Friday being more corporate.
Rich Bowen: CentOS Community Manager
@rbowen // @CentOSProject
1 859 351 9166