Hi, folks,
I have started drafting the March newsletter, and I recognize that I
have not adequately included this group in that process over the past year.
If you are interested in participating in the writing of the monthly
newsletter, please speak up, or, better yet, submit something. I'm not
asking anyone to take the whole thing, but if there is a section of the
newsletter that you'd like to contribute to, please step in and do it.
Useful info about what we're looking for:
Past newsletters: https://wiki.centos.org/Newsletter
An amazing example from Rocky, who have raised the bar a bit here:
I will be drafting the newsletter in blogs.centos.org and so if you'd
like to participate, having an account there is useful. See
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Promo/Blog for details
about posting to the CentOS blog.
Note that we do this every month, starting approximately one week before
the end of the month. I will strive to remember to post here each time.