Dear Promo SIG,
As documented in the wiki, we request that each SIG reports quarterly
about the accomplishments of their SIG during the previous quarter.
(You are receiving this because you are listed in the Promo
SIG ACL on If that is not accurate, you should
it up with your SIG lead. See
As you may be aware, your SIG - the Promo SIG - is on the
list for November reports. See "Reporting" section towards the bottom
I encourage you to have a look at the report produced by the Cloud SIG
as an example of what we're looking for. It's not onerous - just an
overview of releases and community activity over the preceding few
Reports can be submitted either directly to me, or, if you prefer, you
can submit it as a blog post on
See for details
about posting to the CentOS blog.
The report will be included in the November community newsletter. As
such I need it by Monday November 7, at the very latest.
Shaun McCance
CentOS Community Architect
Red Hat Open Source Program Office
Hi promo friends,
I've been working on a proposal to put the Promo SIG in charge of some
budget for events. The always current proposal is on HackMD:
Snapshot of the markdown pasted here for your convenience:
# CentOS Promo Events
This is a draft proposal to give the CentOS Promo SIG decision-making
power over a portion of the CentOS budget for events. To ensure some
authority and accountability, the Promo SIG would appoint from among
its members a Promo Event Committee (PEC).
## Budget
At the beginning of each calendar year, the PEC would set a budget for
the year. This can be done by listing interesting events and estimating
expenses, but funding requests would not have to be tied to the
specific events used for budgeting. Some padding should be added to
accommodate additional events. The PEC should engage the entire Promo
SIG, as well as the wider community, when creating a budget.
The PEC budget would come out of the Red Hat budget for the CentOS
Community Architect, part of the Open Source Program Office. The
Community Architect would not use the PEC budget for their own travel
expenses, and they may have expenses outside the PEC.
## Expenses
Expenses would be in three categories:
* Sponsorship -- Sponsoring events for publicity or a booth
* Swag -- Creating new swag or shipping swag to events
* Travel -- Paying travel and lodging (not meals or other expenses) to
send people to events
All requests for CentOS budget should go thru the PEC, including travel
funding for Red Hat associates (but excluding the Community Architect's
own travel).
## Process
The PEC would create a GitLab project and track requests as issues
(propose Each funding request would be
filed as an issue, and we would have templates to ensure we get all the
information we need. The PEC would then decide on the issue with two
upvotes (or by a different process the PEC decides on), and the
Community Architect would handle the logistics. The Community Architect
retains the right to veto if Red Hat is unable to provide funding, and
the Community Architect may also fast track a yes.
This process is intended to be public, but if anybody needs some level
of privacy, they may file the issue as private and explain their
Requests to fund the travel of employees of governments and state-owned
agencies must be approved by Red Hat Legal, which the Community
Architect would coordinate. Approvals for these cases are likely to be
extremely rare.
We would use a file in this repository to track budget against approved
and actual expenses.
After the event, the requestor or a sponsored person would be required
to write an event report. (This requirement might be waived for small
swag shipments.) We would provide a template for event reports.
Hey all,
Davide and I discovered yesterday evening that the CentOS blog doesn't
support declaring multiple authors for a blog post. We were wondering
if a WordPress extension could be installed to add support for this?
I'm not sure what the Fedora Magazine WordPress instance uses, but a
quick search indicated that this plugin[1] might work for this
真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!