Looks good, I guess it could use a bit of language tweaking and the editors will do that :)
On 20/09/09 00:13, Ernesto Celis wrote:
The mailing list and the wiki http://wiki.centos.org/es/ are the channels of support where the efforts of Alain Reguera (Cuba) and Ernesto Perez (Ecuador) focus to provide in centos.org http://centos.org spaces that we spanish speaking users deserve; exist on the network alternate locations as http://ecualug.org http://ecualug.org/, http://www.alcancelibre.org http://www.alcancelibre.org/ http://www.alcancelibre.org/ and http://www.centos-es.org/ that have howto's and forums also involving members of this community, this resources along the wiki are sites of reference for new users in the mailing list.
Its important that we clarify that none of the non centos.org are endorsed in anyway by the project.
Btw, terms of the logo use say that people need to ask the project for permission to use it. I dont know of anyway who was refused, but its important that people ask the question.