On 27 July 2010 16:45, didi ribalba@gmail.com wrote:
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Alan Bartlett ajb@elrepo.org wrote:
As the first day of August is this coming Sunday, as there is currently very little committed to disk, as an interview with / a monologue by a CentOS user is still required (my candidate has currently declined -- at least for this issue) and -- from my personal situation -- I have a pressing editorial commitment that *must be* submitted *before* next Sunday, I would like to propose that the release date of the August issue of the newsletter be set as August 15th, 2010.
As we have all seen, there has been a resounding lack of interest by the Community in submitting to CentOS Pulse, the Newsletter. So, as a consequence, there will not be anything released this month. Perhaps we should say that the next issue will appear when there is sufficient Community interest?
Didi, our Editor in Chief, has asked me (in private) about the future of the Newsletter. My response was to suggest that it should be discussed here, with those who do their best, for each issue, with the paucity of submitted content.
Comments / views / opinions are hereby solicited.
I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Didi for managing the Newsletter over the many past months. :-)