On 07/17/2014 11:35 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
On 07/17/2014 09:35 AM, Karsten Wade wrote:
I'd like to go ahead with this idea for new t-shirts.
We'd do a that design on a standard shirt. We can also look at doing that design on a nicer quality sports-style jersey for people to wear who are running event booths, Dojos, etc. (All as I understood Tuomas to explain it.)
Any additional thoughts about this design? Changes or ideas?
Looks and sounds good to me.
If we can, it would be great to get these ones done for the remaining Dojo's in the year.
btw, is that something you can take up and run ( organising the T's for the Dojo's ).
- KB
Are we all good to then move on this design ?