On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, wonderer wrote:
Ralph Angenendt schrieb:
wonderer wrote:
So, I have build a Wiki Account under HenrikHeigl. If anybody can give me write-permission I can put in some stuff :-)
centos-docs list, please - and at the moment we really would prefer if you told us *what* you want to put in *where*. This will change soon, but until then ...
Build the own wiki page, put in some odp work, refresh some press related stuff... Bu I see, I'll better wait till the structure was buidl up a bit...
Waiting does not work, believe me, I tried it :-)
If you want to be involved and active in the Promo SIG, we should use this list to discuss things (like the TODO list that I once wrote) and you obviously need Wiki access to help maintain that part.
Not everything in that list falls directly under the promotional part of the promo SIG, but promoting CentOS is more than doing some marketing or events. That is why we did not want to call it 'marketing' (I hate that word anyway).
How do we work for SIGs ? Would a seperate group be useful per SIG, or do we rather want to keep it simple and light ?