Hy all,
how about the Promotion of the 5.2 Release? Here are some thoughts (sorry, I did'nt know the timeframe when is "the plan" to get officialy online with that or is it already ... so its for 5.3 ;-) ).
several weeks before: * what is new (collect Infos) * make new banner * make new "get CentOS 5.x NOW" Button * prepare pressrelease (if major release)
2 weeks before * make announcement to major PR agencies * look in our own community (e.g. the guys who already use RH 5.x)
1 week before * make announcements to online magazines * send last pressarticles on the way
1-2 days before * set up PlanetCentOS and our own Blogs * post on mailinglist * post on other ezines, etc.
So, for 5.2 we need i think ASAP this things The Artwork I can do, but I need some short infos on whats new and if there should be pressreleases or "only" Centos Announcement, PlanetCentOS and mailinglist...
regards Henrik