On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Andreas Roggea.rogge@solvention.de wrote:
Didi schrieb:
We can do it together, is always a laugh like that. But I think the topic is fixed. Would have to be clarified (tosh?).
I'd guess topic and speaker are fixed. But we cannot really decide anything until FrOSCon says something about that...
I only know how we handled talks when a speaker cancelled: Look at the ranking and call the topmost guy that didn't get a slot :)
Would be a shame if CentOS wouldn't be present with a talk. Should try and just change the speaker. Don't see why that should be a problem. Maybe write a polite email asking to change the speaker and see what happens. I can ask Andreas if it is declined.
Cheers Didi
-- Solvention Egermannstr. 6-8 53359 Rheinbach
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