Hi Guys,
Forwarding this to the centos-promo list so we can gatther things around and move forward. We dont have much time to make it happen, but lets try and do a great job of it!
- KB
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: CentOS dojo in Lyon Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 14:36:45 +0100 From: H. Guémar Hola muchachos !
Great news, Epitech Lyon will provide us: * one conference room (up to 100 persons) * another room (i'll get more details about it) * students volunteers to help us organizing the dojo.
Date: April, 11 Location: Epitech (CS Engineering college), Lyon https://maps.google.fr/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb&a...
Transportation: - high-speed train (location is right next the station) => Gare Part-Dieu - international airport with a shuttle (30 minutes & terminus to the train station) http://www.lyonaeroports.com/eng - public transportation http://www.tcl.fr/en
best regards, H.