On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 12:17:33PM +0000, Karanbir Singh wrote:
I'm in the final stages of confirming venue for a West London based CentOS dojo in early September this year.
Consider this a CfP as well.
I propose the following talk:
Automation from scratch: An introduction to Puppet
This talk is divided in two parts: A general introduction to the Automation world first, then a more practical guide on how to start with Puppet: the tools that are relevant in 2015 and some examples as well. It will contain a demo.
Automation intro would take 15-20 min and Puppet part would take 40-45 min.. so a 1 hour slot would be fine.
Julien Pivotto is a young Open-Source consultant at Inuits where he is helping organisations with the deployment of long-term solutions based on Open-Source infrastructure.
He is a strong believer in the devops movement and has technical focus towards infrastructure automation, continuous integration, monitoring and high availability.