Hi Andreas.
- Hotel
The Hotel is open 24 hours a day. The fee has to be paid at the hotel (and not at FrOSCon)
- Dinner
FrOSCon asks wether we're thinking about having dinner at the hotel. There's no true reservation and nothing binds us at all. However, the guys at the hotel need a rough number of people for planning :)
- Materials
FrOSCon also asks what materials we'll bring with us, what size they are and how much power they consume.
I know the following (from the wiki): Flyers (just on our table) Posters (how many do we want to use?) Stickers (just on our table)
Ready. I have already printed 20 4x4 cm Stickers and there are another 30 to come.
What about Promo DVDs or Live CDs. Is there anybody who cares about that? (e.g. labled DVDs or CDs)
Dag's Notebook (approx. 75 Watts) Ralph's Notebook (approx. 75 Watts) Marcus' Workstation + TFT (approx. 150 Watts)
also ready to go.
Networking Stuff (< 100 Watts)
- Pre-Meeting
I know I already asked, but as I got no real replies I'll just ask again: Do we want to have a pre-meeting? Maybe at the hotel?
I know Dag will arrive on Saturday, so he won't join us on Friday. IIRC Marcus lives near the event site and Ralph doesn't yet know when he'll arrive at the hotel. So this is probably mostly a thing for Marcus and me: Do we want to sit at the hotel, talk and maybe have a beer or two? Depending on when Ralph arrives he could join us or go straightly off to bed :)
I sleep at Michael (a friend of mine who lives in Bonn). I will arrive on Saturday at about 10:00am. I also know a good pizzaria in Bonn where we can take a supper.
Best Regards Marcus