Dag Wieers wrote:
On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Didi wrote:
On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Dag Wieersdag@centos.org wrote:
On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Didi wrote:
On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Christoph Masercmr@financial.com wrote:
The wiki page http://wiki.centos.org/Events/LinuxTag2009 has a list of things to bring. But who brings what? Maybe people could mark the items they will bring so we see what is still missing.
Normally Dag has a big box with all that stuff. Are you bringing it this time Dag? Maybe we could get some T-Shirts? Is it possible to post some?
It is unclear whether I will come. Brenda cannot take holidays and I don't plan on driving 7h by myself, especially because I normally have to work during that weekend. (If I am coming, I do need to work on Sunday)
I am seeing with Tim Verhoeven. If he is coming we would drive together and then it is feasible, otherwise I don't know what we are going to do with the gear :-/
Driving together is an option, but I need to ride back too.
Depending on my exams and some other planning issues I might be able to make it to LinuxTag, I would only be able to come from Thursday to Saturday. But I am waiting for my final exam schedule, as I also need to plan some other work related issues, hopefully I will know by next week.
If I do come, I can give Dag a ride back.
BTW The flyers are 2.5 years old by now (and still current !! :p)
If you point me to a file I can update it and print some, if I can't pop by your place. Or if someone steps up to design a new one with the 5.3 style that would be nice.
The main problem is that the people who created the original lost the source. If people would be using the Wiki for everything, this could not happen (well, attachement aren't versioned, so it is still possible)
Maybe there should be a promo subversion and trac, where we can also put our presentations, for people using LaTeX for presentation, this would be very nice feature.
I don't mind designing or just making the sources for some newer flyers or the other material, like the business cards, and the stickers. I would like to have the old ones to base the new ones on as I think the design and text is very good.