Kind regards, -- dag wieers,, -- [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Wolfgang Drotschmann To: Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 14:08:57 +0200 User-Agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060911) Subject: [LT07-Pro-Announce] Infomail #5, May 11, 2007 X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.6 required=3.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00 autolearn=no version=3.2.0
Dear Projects,
we have details about the booths, and... but please read on!
o Deailed Booth Planing o Cruising the Area of Messe Berlin for Delivery o Setting up the Booth o Security / Insurance o Advertisement at Sponsored Booths o Application for Sub-Exhibitors o Project Workshops / BoFs o Key Signing o Accommodation o Social Event
Thank you for your logos and stuff - we fed it into the pipeline for the catalogue.
1. Detailed Booth Planing
Thank to our partner Messe Berlin we have detailed views of quite a number of islands and booths. Those which are mising will appear about noon of May 14th. You can review these sketches here:
Please tell us until May 15th, 2007 (via mail to what you think - is everything all right?
2. Cruising the Area of Messe Berlin for Delivery
You will see - Messe Berlin is a far and wide area, nearly a planet of its own. If you arrive there for delivery with your vehicle, make sure to have a deposit of 50,- EUR in cash ready at hand. It allows you to drive on the area for one hour.
We will send you more detailed information about delivery and unloading with the next Infomail.
3. Setting up the Booth
Wednesday, 30th, LinuxTag will open its doors. There will be a kind of opening ceremony, and most likely some VIP will come for this and visit the fair. We all want to give a good impression, so your booth does need to be ready at this morning! We ask you to set up your booth on Monday, 28th, or Tuesday, 29th. With two whole days (from 7 am to 10 pm) we have enough time to sort things out, and are not in a hurry while visitors come to visit your booth.
4. Security / Insurance
Let us remind you to take care for your stuff at the booths and islands. We try our best to organise a lockable storage room for your hardware and other things which need not to be at the stand. Please give us time to the middle of next week, when we have a meeting with our partners at Messe Berlin.
However you can contract insurance for hardware and stuff, including transportation at your own cost, provided by the "Ausstellungsgut-Versicherung". You can find this document here:
Generally speaking it may be a good idea to scan through the list of services and order forms, offered by Messe Berlin:
5. Advertisement at Sponsored Booths
For LinuxTag organization it gets harder to decide for some projects whether it will get a booth (sponsored by LinuxTag) or we have to charge them for it because of its strong commercial background. This decision is not easy to make and differs in each case, but we try to make it fair for everybody.
Therefore we have to insist on a special agreement with the projects exhibiting at a booth free of charge: advertising for associated companies is not allowed at project booths sponsored by LinuxTag!
It is not allowed to display brochures or price lists or hang-up posters for affiliated companies. Of course you can still present your projects flyers, brochures, DVDs or other promotional material with logos from sponsors.
If your company wants to get promoted at your project booth, please encourage it to contact us for information about sponsoring options. Several companies already used this option to advertise at affiliated project booths.
If you have any questions, even after reading the FAQ entry, about advertising at your booth feel free to contact us.
6. Application for Sub-Exhibitors
While looking at the FAQ... If you plan to host another project at your booth, you need to ask us beforehand. This is usual business at fairs. As long this does not have a commercial background we don't see much problems here. By asking us for permission this project will get known to a wider public, because we require information about this sub-exhibitor to put this on our website, like the other projects, too.
7. Project Workshops / BoFs
We still have quite some slots left for workshops. What's up? Keep in mind that LinuxTag has to book rooms for this, the ultimate deadline will be reached next week: Wednesday, May 17th, 2007.
8. Keysigning Party
Maybe a good chance to meet people, but definitely perfect to strengthen your Web of Trust! The party will be on Friday, June 1st, at 14:00. Please see
for all the details. Alexander Wirt will organise this event. If you want to participate, please read carefully his instructions for sending in key-ids and such. As usual, the party will be conducted using Len Sassaman's efficient group key signing method.
9. Accommodation
We are very sorry but there is no gym available far and wide in the whole urban district. If you belie us, please tell us so.
Please insert hints about recommendable accommodation and any other interesting stuff into the LinuxWiki, initiated by Sven Guckes.
10. Social Event
We will have a get-together! LinuxNacht will begin on Thursday, May 31th, 2007, from 7:00 p.m. on, at the Umspannwerk in Kreuzberg. For more details please follow this link:
Community members will have the opportunity to buy sponsored tickets (15 EUR per ticket). Don't wait too long, because we only have a limited number of those! You can order them by sending a mail to the usual projects address and tell us the number (reasonable amounts only). Booked tickets should be available (in return to money) at the projects office on Monday, 28th, 2007.
Hey, the event gets closer and closer! Do you feel it, too, geting more and more fidgety ;-)
Regards, Susanne Pfeifer, Wolfgang Drotschmann, Marko Jung & Martin Schulte Project Committee LinuxTag 2007