hi guys,
So were almost cleaned out of TShirts at promo.centos.org - total collection is £2095 at the moment, I've still got just over 50 packages left to send out - but so far, after paying postage and packing costs it looks as if we are going to be left with just over £1200 in funds. [1]
This number includes the money that people contributed as donation when checking out their requests.
I've also had interest from memset.com to sponsor a TShirt run ( which works out to be just under £1000 for 200 TShirts ).
So I'm thinking we could get memset to sponsor the next lot, and use the left over money for setting up other alternative promo avenues.
I have a few ideas, but it would be nice to get some more feedback first.
And thanks Khusro for helping setup the promo web site.
- KB
[1]: I'll have a more detailed and exact costing in the next day or so
On 03/02/2012 11:41 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
hi guys,
I've also had interest from memset.com to sponsor a TShirt run ( which works out to be just under £1000 for 200 TShirts ).
I have a few ideas, but it would be nice to get some more feedback first.
And thanks Khusro for helping setup the promo web site.
With regards to the website, you're welcome :-) I am going to be applying updates to the site as and when they appear, and need to work out a way to be notified about OpenCart updates. It seems they don't have a simple -announce mailing-list, just the forum, which makes it difficult to know when an update has been released.
I saw that memset conversation on twitter, glad it worked out with a T-shirt run! I hope the Amazon conversation about an official CentOS AMI on EC2 turns out the same.
As for ideas, I am not familiar with the various venues and methods you guys use (apart from conferences) so will probably also wait for some ideas from other people first.
Thanks, Khusro
On 03/02/2012 05:10 PM, Khusro Jaleel wrote:
With regards to the website, you're welcome :-) I am going to be applying updates to the site as and when they appear, and need to work out a way to be notified about OpenCart updates. It seems they don't have a simple -announce mailing-list, just the forum, which makes it difficult to know when an update has been released.
I saw that memset conversation on twitter, glad it worked out with a T-shirt run!
its not really come through yet - but I'm talking to them
- KB
On 03/02/2012 11:41 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
hi guys,
So were almost cleaned out of TShirts at promo.centos.org - total collection is £2095 at the moment, I've still got just over 50 packages left to send out - but so far, after paying postage and packing costs it looks as if we are going to be left with just over £1200 in funds. [1]
Ok so here is the breakdown folks:
Total collections from the promo site : £2064.00 Total collections via direct funds[1] : £45.00 Total : £2109.00
the total from promo site is different from what I had previously reported since a couple of the paypal authorizations failed to come through - I've emailed the guys who had placed those requests; still have their t-shirts put aside. if i dont heat back in a weeks time, I'll add those back to the site stock and update here.
Paypal charges : 106.24 NETT: 2002.76
Total cost of packaging material : £73.50 Total cost of postage : £1012.05 Total req: 117 ( 112 from promo site, 5 over email ) Cost of parking my car at the postoffice : £15
Residue: £902.21
I also still have some of the mailer bags & customs declaration forms left for next time.
On 03/05/2012 01:59 AM, Always Learning wrote:
Paypal charges : 106.24
For British contributors would it not be better for Centos to have a (free) British banK accounT into which subscribers could pay free-less (using Internet banking)?
There are quite a few implications of that, and its another-thing to manage with no real major benefit. I also think that for the next run we should consider a flat £10 shipping cost worldwide. That would cover things and still be fair to everyone.
Paypal and Ebay are expensive commercial rip-odds.
where did ebay come into the picture here ? were only using paypal - and if there is a viable alternative, feel free to recommend it
- KB
Apologies. The Chardonnay (white wine) influenced my attention to detail.
Paypal charges : 106.24
For British contributors would it not be better for Centos to have a (free) British bank account into which subscribers could pay fee-less (using Internet banking)?
Paypal and Ebay are expensive commercial rip-offs.
Similarly Centos could have one Euro area bank account for payments, again avoiding expensive Paypal commissions.
Perhaps a similar arrangement could be concluded in the rest of the world.
What would, I believe, be desirable is a discreet label badge showing the Centos logo. Not every Centos user wants ghastly Centos modern-style logos (Ninjus ?) but all Centos users are likely to be united in expressing their appreciation to perhaps the biggest world-wide free non-Micro$oft operating system.
The youngsters tastes (KB for instance) are likely to be different from the older Centos users' tastes. This means a modern crap or ghastly logo may not appeal to older Centos users. However I believe we are all united by the excellence of the product and are intrinsically grateful to the volunteers who continue to give us the last versions of a very successful (and superior I think to Windoze) world-class operating system.
A 2.54cm square (1" to the British and Americans) Centos logo which one could attach to one's machines would be nice.