Hey folks,
Could we have a talk about the website homepage layout?
Here is a tentative sketch I am working on for the a new website theme:
In this layout:
Are "News and Events" and "Blog Posts" redundant sections?Â
Does it make sense to present only extracts from blog posts if we cover
"news and events" as blog posts?
What is your opinion about restructuring the site content under the
following 4 top sections:Â
1. Project: describes the project itself. For example, the project
mission, the project organizational structure, the project trademarks,
the project governance, legal stuff, gpg signing keys.
2. Bits: describes content that final users can download, install,
study, propose/make changes to, and use in their computers or devices.
In this section you would have CentOS Stream and all its derived
distributions. This section would cover related information like,
screenshots, links to download mirrors, end of life, documentation
links for using this distributions, post-installation commands you
might want to run. This section would be implemented using "jekyll-
theme-centos-download" component.
3. Community: describes the community resources and activities. For
example, here you find the entry points for the latest blog posts, news
and events as well as shortcuts to resources like mailing lists, wiki,
forums, blog, irc, calendars, cbs, and sigs.
4. Sponsors: promotes sponsors with linked images and thanksgiving
message for their active support. This section would be implemented
using "jekyll-theme-centos-sponsors" component:
What would be your perfect layout and content structure for the
Alain Reguera Delgado <alain.reguera(a)gmail.com>
#centos-meeting: CentOS Cloud SIG meeting (2023-09-14)
Meeting started by jcapitao[m] at 15:00:10 UTC.
Meeting summary
* roll call (jcapitao[m], 15:00:28)
* RDO/OpenStack Update (jcapitao[m], 15:09:26)
* New release of OpenStack: Bobcat/2023.2 is ongoing
* OKD/SCOS (jcapitao[m], 15:24:46)
* no new OKD/SCOS releases since last time
* there will be one last stable/4.13 release before we move stable to 4.14
* the next stream will move to 4.15 builds soon too
* work on splitting SCOS into a base and an OKD layer is underway
at: https://github.com/okd-project/okd-coreos-pipeline/pull/46
As discussed multiple times either on centos-devel list (for example
or during last docs hackaton in Brussels (day after Fosdem), it was
decided to just archive the wiki as static html files (exported from
moin) and just have these available through git repository
The ticket to track this is https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/1245
As we need to also migrate/move that VM elsewhere, and itself
disappearing when CentOS Linux 7 will be EOL, and because the PoC was
enough, I intend to do the following next monday (September 11th):
- snapshot wiki.centos.org content (frozen)
- export to html static page
- import that back in dedicated git repository
- have a new vhost that would just pull from that git repository (if
anything was modified/updated) and still content served from
https://wiki.centos.org (so that existing links would still work)
From that point, it's up to CentOS Docs SIG to decide how/where to put
content, but most of the SIGs already moved content elsewhere (usually
under https://sigs.centos.org) but in the meantime, it will still be
possible to just use git workflow on html files to modify/update/remove
content as needed (interim solution)
Kind Regards,
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | @arrfab[@fosstodon.org]
Hi Everyone,
Our next board meeting will take place at 20:00 UTC on next Wednesday:
`date -d "2023-09-13 20:00 UTC"`
If you would like to attend please send me an email to
alphacc(a)centosproject.org ( please do not reply to @centos-devel or use
another email address) and you will receive a link to a meeting
room with a passcode, 1 hour before the meeting takes place.
The agenda can be checked at (work in progress) :
As a reminder we will enforce few rules :
* Wait to be recognized by the Chair before speaking
* Respect the Chair when told your time to speak is over - this will
allow us to remain on agenda, and complete the meetings in the
allotted time
* In the event that there are Board-confidential topics, these will be
put at the end of the meeting, in Executive Session, and guests will be
asked to leave. We hope to minimize these items, but they do sometimes
happen. The most common scenarios in which this may happen are personnel
issues, or information that Red Hat wishes to share with the Board, but
is not yet public.
* Muting of participants, or, in extreme situations, ejection from the
meeting, is at the sole discretion of the Chair.
* Meetings will be recorded, and published to YouTube (possibly with
edits/redaction, as approved by the Directors). Thus, by joining the
meeting you consent to have your presence at the meeting, and anything
you say during the meeting, made public.
I hope some of you can join.
Sorry for the late announcement.
Thomas 'alphacc' Oulevey
CentOS Board of Directors Secretary
Hi folks,
In March of this year, Josh Boyer sent out a message to Fedora's devel list
letting everybody know RHEL was going to move from bugzilla.redhat.com to
issues.redhat.com (Jira) in the future [1]. The work on this activity
has proceeded with relative quiet since, although a couple weeks ago
Florian mentioned on centos-devel that Platform Tools had begun to move
[2]. I'm now providing a more official followup:
All new issues found or desired in RHEL (Or CentOS Stream) need to be filed
on issues.redhat.com. It's no longer possible to create new BZs for
current RHEL (7 through 9) releases. Over the next few weeks, most RHEL
BZs will be migrated to tickets in the RHEL project on issues.redhat.com.
The BZs that are migrated will be closed with resolution MIGRATED and a
pointer to the Jira issue included in the external links section of each
respective BZ. Issues that don't get migrated may still be worked on in
Bugzilla- only new BZ creation is disabled, and only disabled in RHEL
products. Like before, most new RHEL issues are publicly visible by
default, without any login required to view.
As CentOS Stream development *is* direct RHEL development, this is a
definite change, but hopefully only skin-deep. As an example, previously
you might have created a RHEL 9 BZ with the Version field set to "CentOS
Stream". On issues.redhat.com you would do the same thing by creating an
issue in the RHEL project with the "Affects Version" set to "CentOS Stream
9". People are welcome to create an account on issues.redhat.com, just
like was done on bugzilla.redhat.com previously, see what we're up to, file
issues, and contribute there as well. We've created a hopefully-helpful
article with account basics to get your account setup [3].
I've sent a corresponding message to fedora-devel, so apologies if you're
reading this a second time.
1. Initial Announcement -
2. Migration Starting -
3. Issues.redhat.com account basics -
Brendan Conoboy / CASE & CPE / Red Hat, Inc.
Hi, folks,
I was playing with the ways to organize the CentOS Documentation site
and came up with the following proposal:
The link has more details but in short we need three categories of content:
* User Documentation: everything about installing and administering
the CentOS system. Large guides go here, as well as small Knowledge Base
* Project Documentation: All about processes and policies of the
CentOS Project.
* SIGs documentation: Documentation subtrees maintained by each
Special Interest group on their own.
Note that by SIG docs here I mean documentation written and owned by
individual special interest groups. The current SIG Guide
(https://sigs.centos.org/guide/) belongs to the "Project Documentation"
section in this hierarchy.
Each top-level item is then expanded to more sub-levels.
For many of the items mentioned in the proposal we do not have the
content written yet. But if we agree on the layout, we can start by
rearranging existing documents to fit the hierarchy.
Then we will be able to use the proposed map for any new content, which
we add in the future.
Aleksandra Fedorova
Matrix: @bookwar:fedora.im
Fediverse: @bookwar@fosstodon.org
There is some documentation in progress about "base/default" layout,
the default layout that jekyll-theme-centos will be using to render
content. You can check it on the following URL:
This page is also an example of how the content presentation looks like
when you use the "base/default" layout in your site.
I would like to request some feedback from you about the "base/default"
layout features and visual presentation as well. Appreciate your
comments and concerns here.
Alain Reguera Delgado <alain.reguera(a)gmail.com>
January 2023 Quarterly report submitted by: Jefro Osier-Mixon, Red Hat -
Membership update
This SIG does not have a formal membership process. The mailing list
currently has 106 subscribers representing at least 32 organizations,
though not all subscribers use corporate emails and some are participating
as individuals.
Releases in the most recent quarter (or most recent release, if none in
that quarter)
The Automotive SIG produces three types of artifacts:
- AutoSD, a streaming distribution of CentOS designed for in-vehicle
automotive use cases.
- An Automotive SIG RPM repository that allows the community to expand the
content of AutoSD or experiment with some of its parts.
- Sample images, built using OSBuild, which provide examples of how to
assemble production images based on AutoSD, customized for some hardware,
including container images, based on CoreOS/ostree technologies.
AutoSD, or Automotive Stream Distribution, is a streaming distribution for
automotive in-vehicle software development based on CentOS Stream. It
is transparently the upstream project for Red Hat's eventual in-vehicle OS
product. AutoSD has been downloaded and used by many organizations who have
commented or asked for help, so we know it is getting some traction though
of course we don't have exact metrics on usage.
In Q4 2022, we released a version of AutoSD compatible with the emerging
SOAFEE specification. SOAFEE (https://soafee.io) is an initiative driven by
Arm for the purpose of developing a reference specification for Arm-based
software-defined vehicles (SDVs) consisting of an operating system,
container orchestration strategy, and application layer. In addition, we
introduced a very lightweight container runtime based on podman and systemd
that does not include Kubernetes, as the latter represented a significant
performance hit on all relevant hardware. We presented at the Arm Developer
Summit in November on these topics.
In the coming quarter, we plan to tighten up documentation, begin a process
for accepting and supporting hardware enablement contributions, and
continue to develop AutoSD toward the SOAFEE specification while also
contributing to that specification within the SOAFEE community.
Health report and general activity narrative
The SIG typically has 1 public meeting per month with 25-40 attendees, with
visible participation from 7-10 separate organizations. We have largely
given up on a separate office hours meeting due to attendance.
This SIG is intended to be a community effort with contributions and shared
benefits from all participants. All formal meetings are recorded and posted
on this page:
Several Red Hat employees made the initial contributions to the project as
well as the infrastructure required to build and test it. We occupy a
gitlab repository in the CentOS namespace building software regularly using
CI, with build instructions provided on the documentation page at
https://sigs.centos.org/automotive/ . Sample images are present and
downloadable along with customization and build instructions.
Issues for the board to address, if any
None, keep up the excellent work :)
Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon | jefro(a)redhat.com
Red Hat Office of the CTO | Sr. Principal Community Architect, Automotive
The board had its monthly meeting last week. The recording, minutes,
and recap are all available.
We'll have the followup office hours this Thursday, August 24, at 14:00
UTC. Everybody is welcome to join and talk to the baord.
Highlights of the recap:
* We got an update on the status of trusting SIGs for secureboot (Issue
* We discussed issues that have arisen with bridging Matrix to IRC
(Issue 116).
* We discussed guidelines for SIGs to publish images on Quay (Issue
* The community architect gave a report from CentOS Connect and Flock.
* We briefly discussed the contributor docs, SIG health checkins, and
Promo SIG activity.
* We had some early discussions around planning CentOS Connect at
* We talked about various alternatives to using Zoom for board and SIG
Hi folks,
The CloudSIG meeting, planned at 1500 UTC on Thursday 10th August, is
It will resume as normal on #centos-meeting channel at 1500 UTC on Thursday
14th September.